abdominal pain

Anmo Fu - Abdominal Massage

Anmo Fu is an ancient healing system based on Chinese theories that our internal organs control and enhance both our physical and mental health. Many things can affect the functioning of our internal organs and digestive system.  By gently massaging the abdomen, twists and torsions in the bowel can be released and trapped toxins and waste products can be cleared, giving organs more room to function efficiently and to restore balance.

Anmo Fu is a lovely relaxing oil based abdominal massage which can have an amazing effect on digestive, lower back, menstrual, skin and emotional problems.

To further support your body back to better health, food Intolerance testing can be incorporated into this treatment. This system of testing differs from some others as it uses the actual food that you eat. The test is not an exact science but can offer a dramatic and immediate insight into the foods that may be holding you back from optimum health.

Ammo Fu’s impact is best felt as part of a full KORE Therapy treatment but can be given as a stand-alone treatment.  Go to Chinese Abdominal Massage in the menu to find out more.