Available Treatments

KORE Therapy or Tui Na Massage can be used to help manage a variety of ailments and conditions.  Why not give it a try and see for yourself how it can help you.   

KORE Therapy

1 hour - £45

KORE Therapy integrates a unique blend of Western and Eastern assessment and treatment techniques to support and promote the body’s own natural ability to heal. Treatment draws on a range of successful complimentary therapy techniques to release, realign, and rebalance your body. Treatment will always be tailored to suit your unique needs using one or more healing techniques.

Tui Na Therapeutic Massage

1 hour - £45

Tui Na Chinese massage works the body on a deep energetic level to rebalance the flow of Qi - the body’s life force energy.  Much like acupuncture, it targets specific acu-points but instead of needles, pressure is used to stimulate points and meridians to rebalance the body.  This makes Tui Na powerful in treating many health problems.  

Chinese Abdominal Massage

45 mins - £35

My abdominal massage uses a range of gentle massage techniques and incorporates acupressure points to work the energy of internal organs to improve physical and emotional health.  It can help digestive health, boosts the immune system, eases tension from emotion stress and reduces PMS symptoms.  

Indian Head Massage

45 minutes - £35

Indian Head Massage is an extremely effective therapy that helps to promote relaxation and relieve stress related problems. The treatment involves a massage with oil on the upper areas of the body covering the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, face and scalp while you remain seated in an upright position.